While we are no strangers to insurance adjusting with our independent insurance adjusters in Garden City, Hauppauge, Long Island, Melville, Nassau County, Suffolk County, NY, and the surrounding areas, Richard Blaise & Associates also ends up working with a lot of field adjusters that are employed by the insurance companies themselves. While there are adjusters that work in the main offices of the insurance companies, these folks are there to handle small claims from the insured clients. Field adjusters, by contrast, physically go to the locations where large claims or large amounts of claims are being filed. We can readily work with field adjusters to get claims settled, whether things are large or small. Contact us today to learn more about all of our services.
Field Adjusters vs Desk Adjusters
While every claim may be different, there are generally two categories of adjusters that deal with these claims. Desk adjusters are those adjusters that deal with much small claims that can readily be handled over the phone or with minimal additional evidence to support the claim. Field adjusters, on the other hand, are adjusters that go out to sites with a claim in order to better document the claim and provide additional information and context to the claim.
While many insurance companies often have their own field adjusters, our team also offers the field adjuster option for insurance companies that either need additional help during a large natural disaster or don’t want to have their own field adjuster team. Our team of field adjusters are able to handle a number of cases simultaneously as well.
Getting Eyes On The Problem
The importance of getting eyes on the problem or claim translates to the best understanding of the situation. This usually involves writing up a description of the claim itself, as well as other notes to provide additional details. It also involves taking pictures of the issue in the claim as well in order to document the case. Interviewing the policyholders is also part of the process, and none of these things can be done unless the field adjuster is physically present at the location.
Because our team at Richard Blaise & Associates have many years in and around the insurance industry, we can offer solid field adjusters for a variety of needs in Garden City, Hauppauge, Long Island, Melville, Nassau County, Suffolk County, NY, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today and let our professional team help with your claim needs.