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Commercial Claims & Independent Field Adjuster in Suffolk County, NY

Commercial Claims Adjuster in Suffolk CountyWhen you want to have an independent claims adjuster in Suffolk County, NY, there is a difference between a commercial adjuster and one that works on residential claims. When you speak with us at Richard Blaise & Associates, we will make sure that you get a commercial claims adjuster. Commercial claims have a higher complexity and sometimes involve some specialized skills such as dealing with business interruption, inventory, or other areas. Commercial claims typically involve higher dollar amounts due to the business records, invoices, inventory lists, and more. There are also likely various regulations that will come into place, and a commercial claims adjuster can better navigate these issues. Contact us today to get our commercial claims adjuster on your case.

Independent Field Adjuster And Private Claims Adjuster in Suffolk County

Field adjusters are the ones who will physically show up at your property to investigate the claim. Insurance companies have their field adjusters, and they can miss things, make images look a certain way, or do other things that may make it seem like the damage isn’t as bad as it is. Utilizing an independent field adjuster is your way to ensure that the story is being told in its entirety and that you will get the maximum benefit from your insurance coverage.

Many times an individual or an organization may want to get their independent analysis of their insurance policy and their claim. Utilizing the services of a private claims adjuster is your way to get this unbiased expert look at things. You can compare your private adjuster’s report against what the insurance company’s adjuster provides and have a more solid footing to get a better settlement on your claim.

Workers Compensation Insurance Investigator in Suffolk County, New York

Injured Employee Filing a Workers Compensation Claim in Suffolk County, NYBecause of our investigative efforts in a number of areas, we are also good at dealing with workers’ compensation insurance investigations in Suffolk County, New York. Richard Blaise & Associates has years of experience in various methods that pertain to ferreting out if a worker’s compensation claim is legitimate or if someone is trying to dupe the system. From basic surveillance to interviews and other investigative methods, we will help to find out if fraud is happening with a claim.

We have assembled and will continue to assemble the most experienced and qualified staff that is accomplished in all aspects of insurance investigation and claims handling. Suffolk County is the easternmost county in the U.S. state of New York, constituting the eastern two-thirds of Long Island. Like other parts of Long Island, the county’s high population density and proximity to New York City has resulted in a diverse economy, including industry, science, agriculture, fishery, and tourism. Suffolk County has a long maritime history with several outer barrier beaches and hundreds of square miles of waterways. Contact us today for all of your insurance investigative needs.