What Does A Private Insurance Adjuster Do? Serving Long Island, Garden City, Melville, Suffolk County, Nassau County, and All Five Boroughs of NYC
At some point in your life, you will need to claim one of your insurance policies in Long Island, Garden City, Melville, Suffolk County, Nassau County, and All Five Boroughs of NYC. When that happens you will likely deal with an insurance adjuster, and they may be one of ours at Richard Blaise & Associates. While some insurance adjusters work for a particular insurance company, our team is an independent insurance claims adjusting service. We provide our expertise to insurance companies to help them deal with temporary surges in claims, and we can also provide a second set of eyes on an incident. Our job is to provide an accurate assessment of the situation and provide documentation of it as well. Contact us today to learn more about all of our services.
Our Team Works for You
This is an important distinction, as not all insurance adjusters are independent. Some will be working for the insurance company, but we work for you when you hire us. We do a lot to help verify things and get expert input on various things, like structural engineers, accountants, and more. We will take pictures to document things as well as perform interviews if needed for the issue at hand. In the end, we will provide a detailed report of our findings.
Many times, businesses or individuals hire us to provide a new perspective on an insurance claim. While most insurance adjusters will play fair, sometimes it can be obvious that you are receiving biased information. Hiring an outside insurance adjuster can help prevent things from being hidden or otherwise swept under the rug.
Getting What You Deserve
You have insurance because what you are insuring is likely too expensive to be purchased again, and you want to mitigate your risk of that happening. Insurance companies themselves need to make money as well, as they have overhead, employees, etc., and sometimes this gets in the way of them doing the proper job. You should get what you deserve and what your policy says you should get, and having our team help with that is often the only way that you will be able to get what you should.
When it comes to the claims on insurance, you need to have an advocate who understands how insurance adjusters work for the companies that they work for in Long Island, Garden City, Melville, Suffolk County, Nassau County, and All Five Boroughs of NYC. At Richard Blaise & Associates, we can help you understand what not to say while we perform our duties and prepare the report for your insurance claim. Contact us today to have us get started on your behalf.